Question –
Is he really sick if he cancelled the date on my way there?
Background –
New to dating and the guy I planned on meeting for first date cancelled as I was on my way there saying he was sick. Is he really sick? Wouldn’t he have cancelled earlier? Should I give him another chance?
Response –
I’m usually one to give people the benefit of the doubt here. Maybe he’s sick. Maybe he’s not. But I think the safer answer here is he actually just bailed on you and the date last minute.
I mean, good for him to say something and not stand you up, but also cancelling that close to the date wreaks of “I got a better offer”, or “I’m not into it”….sort of like the last minute invite to a party – we allllll know that means the first pick of invitees aren’t there so the B Team (which is you) got the invite. Either way, it’s not a good feeling and you deserve better. The overused saying "if he could he would" completely applies here...because, if he legit was sick, he would've reached out to you sooner and given a day/time to reschedule. BUT! Since he didn't and given the last minute notificaiton, it's safe to say this guy bailed last minute and you didn't deserve it.
Consider this a bullet dodged and save your time for someone who’s actually excited to take you out on a date, and let buddy-boy buy his own tissues.
